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Version control standards

These standards define how version control is applied to our code.

Wherever possible these standards follow built-in versioning facilities for the languages, tools or frameworks we are using.


  • Underpins a consistent, robust and repeatable release strategy
  • Ensures that we can have reliable dependency management between components even if they use different technologies


All code is held in a centrally managed Git repository

The primary repository is in the Defra GitHub organisation.

Azure DevOps Git or hosted GitLab may be used to provide mirrors of GitHub repositories.

Every repository has a protected master branch with required status checks and approving reviews

This ensures that no change can be directly applied to production without appropriate test and review.

All releases are tagged in the version control system before deployment

This enables easy identification of the specific commits that form a release and a simple way for developers to checkout the code for a specific release for fault analysis purposes.

All releases have their version number included in the source code

All releases must include a commit that updates the version number (language dependent) in the source code. This ensures that the correct version can be identified in any published code.

Releases use semantic versioning

Apply semantic versioning when choosing a tag