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Install Detect Secrets

Prevent committing passwords and other sensitive information to git repositories.

The detect-secrets tool provides out-of-the-box support for scanning git commits for different types of credentials including keywords (e.g. 'password' or 'secret'), private SSH keys, and base64 high entropy string.


Install prerequisites

detect-secrets is written in Python and will require Python version 3 and pip (the package installer for Python) to be installed on your system.


Install python version 3, download the latest version for your operating system - Windows - Mac OS

Once downloaded, run the .exe (windows) or .pkg (macOS) file. Follow the on screen prompts, after successful installation run the following commands to confirm Python was successfully installed. - Windows - Open Powershell/Command Prompt and type python --verison, it should report the version - Mac Os - Open a Terminal and type python –version, it should report the version


If using WSL2 with Docker Desktop then python should already be installed. However, if needed it can be added with the following guide: - WSL

Once successfully installed, run the command python3 –-version, it should report the version


Install pip using the script following these instructions

NOTE: pip is already installed if you are using Python 2 >=2.7.9 or Python 3 >=3.4 downloaded from or if you are working in a Virtual Environment created by virtualenv or pyvenv. Just make sure to upgrade pip.

Install detect-secrets and pre-commit

detect-secrets harnesses the pre-commit tool to set-up the git pre-commit hook that runs detect-secrets on the contents of the commit.

  1. Install pre-commit by following the instructions for your system
  2. Install detect-secrets by running:
pip install detect-secrets


A pre-commit configuration file should exist in every FFC git repository that contains the necessary information to run detect-secrets. See the guide for creating FFC git repositories.

Your system will need to be configured to set up the git hooks for both currently cloned, and future cloned, FFC repositories.

Currently cloned FFC git repositories

Set up the pre-commit git hook to run detect-secrets by running the following command in every FFC repository you have cloned on your system:

pre-commit install

All future cloned git repositories

To automatically set up the pre-commit git hook to run detect-secrets for newly cloned repositories, set up a global template:

git config --global init.templateDir ~/.git-template
pre-commit init-templatedir ~/.git-template

Using with other git hooks managers

pre-commit installs a single git hook to .git/hooks/pre-commit

By default git only allows a single script to be run for each hook.

If a repository is using a git hooks manager such as husky, additional configuration will be required in order to run git hooks created by husky and git hooks created by git-secrets.

The solution for running multiple scripts from a single hook is out of scope of this document. However, husky provides options and this Stack Overflow post discusses another.


Refer to the secrets management guide for details on dealing with detect-secrets false positives and excludes.