Onboarding a user¶
This getting started guide summarises the steps for onboarding a user onto your delivery project in ADP. It also provides an overview of the automated processes involved.
Before onboarding a user on to your delivery project you will first need to ensure that:
- The delivery project has been onboarded via the ADP portal, see the Getting Started guide for Onboarding a delivery project on to ADP.
- You have an active user account within the ADP Portal with admin permissions to onboard users to your selected delivery project.
- The user you are onboarding has a valid cloud account (with the domain as: @defra.onmicrosoft.com or @defra.gov.uk). [Need to link to guidence on how to get a cloud account].
- If the user you are onboarding is a tech user, they must have a valid GitHub handle.
- GitHub account added to DEFRA's SonarCloud organisation.
By completing this guide you will have completed these actions:
- Understanding of tech and non-tech users.
- Adding user to ADP portal database under your delivery team. [Not automated]
- Adding user to Azure AD ADP portal group, allowing basic read acess to the ADP portal. [Not automated]
- Adding user to ADO Team, allowing access to delivery project's ADO project. [Not automated]
- Adding user to Defra's VPN group.
- Adding tech user to GitHub Team.
- Adding tech user to Azure group, allowing access to delivery project's Azure resources.
You can add a user to a Delivery Project from the Manage Members tab on the Delivery Projects page. You can get to this page by searching for your delivery project in the catalog with the kind set to Group and the type to delivery-project. Alternatively, you can find the delivery project via the 'Delivery Projects' card in the ADP Onboarding page.
Onboarding a Delivery Project Member¶
When adding a user to a delivery project, you will need to select which user to add as well as what roles to grant them.
There are 2 roles which can be assigned to a user for a Delivery Project: - Technical User - A user who is able to scaffold new services and contribute to existing ones - Admin - A user who can manage the Delivery Project, including editing it and managing its members
If a user is going to be a Technical user, you will need to provide a github handle so they can be added to the correct teams in github.
If neither 'additional permission' roles are selected, the user will be added to the delivery project as a "Team Member"